About Us
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Our Purpose
Mission Statement
- The FHL Group is committed to the achievements of its mission statement as set out below:
- We will create sustainable and consistent value for our shareholders & stakeholders.
- We will strive to lead in all our chosen areas of business through creativity, innovation, passion and by putting our customers first at all times.
- We will maintain the highest standards of professional integrity, diligence, responsibility and care in carrying out all aspects of our business.
- We will actively promote the growth & development of our people to excel in business and fulfill their purpose in life.
- Sa tu vakarau na Kabani Cokovata me tutaka na kena laurai na vatukana ni nona yalayala e kotooqoe ra:
- Keitou bulia ka cakacakataka na veika keitou vakavulica ena kabani me baleti ira na i taukei ni sea kei ira era vakaitavi kina.
- Keitou na sasaga me tadolavi yani na vanua ni vakatubu bisinisi ena neitou vakaliuci ira keitou qaravi ira, nitu vei keitou na kil a ni veiqaravi, na vakasamatitobu, na Ioloma kei na gadrevi ni veisau.
- Keitou na maroroya ka bulataka na i tovo cecere ni veiqaravi ka kena yavu na dina, cakacaka vakadodonu kei na tuvaki, qaravi vinakani tavi ni veiqaravi.
- Keitou na tutaka vakaukauwa na nodra tuberi cake kei na nodra vakavulici na i Taukei me ra daunibisinisi vinaka ka tamusuki na vua ni nodra bula.
Our Purpose
FHL Group Core Values
- Integrity in our dealings
- Innovative in our solutions
- Progressive in our culture
- Play together to win
- Grow our people
FHL Group Core Purpose
“To accelerate the participation of iTaukei in the commercial sector and in doing so, enhance their socio-economic standing”
FHL Group Vision
“To be the most innovative investment Group in the South Pacific”
- Dina ena neitou veiqaravi
- Wali ni leqa ena vakasama ni veisau vou
- Me tosotiko ga na itovo ni neitou veiqaravi
- Cakacaka vata me da qaqa
- Me tarai cake nai vakatagedegede ni rawa ka ni neitou tamata cakacaka
Me vakusakusataka na nodra vakaitavitaki na iTaukei ena cicivaki bisinisi,
vakadeitaka kina nodra bula vakavanua kei na bula vakabisinisi
“Me dau vakatubu i lavo levu taudua ena Pasifika”
Our Purpose
Mission Statement
- The FHL Group is committed to the achievements of its mission statement as set out below:
- We will create sustainable and consistent value for our shareholders & stakeholders.
- We will strive to lead in all our chosen areas of business through creativity, innovation, passion and by putting our customers first at all times.
- We will maintain the highest standards of professional integrity, diligence, responsibility and care in carrying out all aspects of our business.
- We will actively promote the growth & development of our people to excel in business and fulfill their purpose in life.
FHL Group Core Values
- Integrity in our dealings
- Innovative in our solutions
- Progressive in our culture
- Play together to win
- Grow our people
FHL Group Core Purpose
“To accelerate the participation of iTaukei in the commercial sector and in doing so, enhance their socio-economic standing”
FHL Group Vision
“To be the most innovative investment Group in the South Pacific”
Our Purpose

Board Of Directors Lewe Ni Matabose
Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL) shareholders include various iTaukei groups and entities, promoting iTaukei economic integration and business training.